who we are.

The International Women in Power (IWP) initiative founded on March 8th, 2011,  marking the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, stands for universal women's and girls' rights, equality and equal professional opportunities for women and men.

Our goal is for women not only to campaign for equal opportunities in Germany, but also for their countries of origin and all other countries in which equality, the rights of women, girls and children, as well as human rights are not observed.

The initiative was launched by Hourvash Pourkian, chairwoman of the Kulturbrücke Hamburg e. V. (Bridge of Culture Hamburg (Non-Profit Organisation)) and her team.

Foundation of the International Women in Power initiative on the 8th of March 2011

Hourvash Pourkian at the first Hamburg Women's and Migrant March 2017


Support of the manifest: Woman - Life - Freedom, Zan - Zendegi - Azadi, Jin - Jiyan - Azadi. 

Equal rights for women and girls


Equal pay for equal work


Appropriately value household and child-rearing activities



Break the silence (#metoo)


separation of state and religion

Women must be represented proportionally everywhere


gender justice


Woman's right to self-determination




Solidarity with the feminist revolution in Iran


human rights for all women


Stop the forced marriage of minors - Combat violence against women

JIN means woman, it is about strong women who want to lead a self-determined life and be equal.

Jiyan means life. Women want to live in freedom and participate in all social and professional participation, experience equal opportunities and come to power and leadership positions.

Azadi means freedom and it means everyone should fight for their freedom. It is about the struggle for freedom & human dignity and women rights.

Our demands against anti-women governments

The IWP draws particular attention to women's rights violations worldwide, with special attention to Iran, Afghanistan, and the Kurdish regions. IWP actively participates in the opposition of the Iranian regime and shows solidarity with the feminist revolution in Iran.


Our initiative is campaigning for an end of violence against women in the name of Islam and its traditions, regarding that IWP demands women´s rights instead of women Sharia laws


IWP supports the petition „Den Kopf frei haben“ of TERRE DES FEMMES, which translates to "Having your head free". Together we make an effort to have legal ban of children wearing headscarfs.


We fight for equality of all human beings, independent of their sexuality, religion or skin color.


Moreover IWP supports the separation of state and religion and also urges crucial actors to ban sharia laws, stop the execution of homosexuals and political oppositionists.


International Women in Power demands from the German government:
- No more political cooperation with Iranian regime lobbyists and a halt to all official negotiations with the Islamic Republic
- Put the Revolutionary Guards on the terror list and join the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.
- Halt deportations to Iran
- Increase protection measures for exiled Iranians by German security authorities.
- Increase political pressure with all available means against the Iranian government
- No flow of money for the Iranian regime: stop all trade and financial transactions
- Stop all Iranian intelligence activities in Germany
- Publication of the names of one hundred agents who are in the notebook of terrorist Assadollah Assadi. He was an Iranian diplomat who planned a terrorist attack and has now been imprisoned in Belgium for 20 years.
- Ensuring the safety of exiled Iranian women in Germany.
- Adherence to the neutrality requirement so as not to retraumatize women who have fled the country

International Women in Power calls for the Islamic Republic to be a state of God:
- The feminist revolution continues since September 16, 2022. The demand of the Iranian people is the elimination of the State of God and the State of Injustice
- The immediate release of all imprisoned women and human rights activists
- The refraining of state violence and arbitrariness against the civilian population

International Women in Power demands of the federal government regarding Afghanistan:
-All negotiations with the terrorists must cease immediately. The Taliban must not be officially recognized, nor should aid money flow to them. Humanitarian aid should be provided exclusively through independent NGOs.
- Women's rights activists under threat should be evacuated from Afghanistan as a priority. Afghan women must also be protected from threats and persecution abroad.
- Boycott the curricula for the schools and the universities, which are determined by the Taliban!
- Women have the right to education with international standards! This is NOT compatible with the Taliban rule! That is why we seek the destruction of Taliban rule!
- Persons like Hamid Karzai belong to the Taliban themselves! Governments formed by such persons must not be tolerated!
- We demand immediate humanitarian aid for the people of Afghanistan! But this should not go to the Taliban! Stop the financing of terror in Afghanistan!
- We demand from the world community to support the democratic forces against the Taliban.
- Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic state, in which only a democratic federalist system can satisfy the needs of all people!


Text only in English language
Background of Human Rights.pdf
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